Library / Advanced Groups East / Warblers 7: Staccato
This is an advanced-level comparison group of staccato warbler songs and sounds from Land Birds of North America, Eastern/Central region.
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Usually distinctly three-parted song of hard, ringing notes with staccato, trilled ending.

Usually two-parted song; notes more slurred and whistled than Tennessee; ending slower and more whistled in West, faster and harder in East. Sipa sipa sipa sipa tea-tea-tea-tea.

Faster, more trilled than Tennessee or Nashville; usually drops or weakens toward end.

Fuller, choppier, and more accelerating than Tennessee or Nashville. Pete Pete Pete Pete lend-me-your-shoe.

A hard, rapid, nearly patternless jumble of notes. Almost always starts with one or two chip notes. Potato-chip-with-dip-on-it.
Recordings copyright 2011-2012 Macaulay Library, all rights reserved. All photos (except as noted) copyright 2011-2012 Brian E. Small, all rights reserved. Song texts copyright 2011-2012 Larkwire, LLC., all rights reserved.