Library / Intermediate Groups East / Warblers 1: Warbles & Chatters
This is an intermediate-level comparison group of warbling and chattering warbler songs and sounds from Land Birds of North America, Eastern/Central region.
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High, steady, slurred warble; usually weak and fading at end but some stronger.

Sweet, clear whistles, typically with quick "stutter" phrase before final rising or descending note. Much variation, but two common patterns: sweet sweet sweet little-more sweet and sweet sweet sweet me-me-me-too.

Similar to Yellow but lacks stutter phrase, and averages lower. Primary song has distinct accented me-chew ending: pleased pleased pleased ta meet-you. Secondary song more rambling, without accented ending. Yellow Warbler may closely match some Chestnut-sided songs, but most birds quickly switch back to more typical Yellow songs, while Chestnut-sided repeats same song over and over.

A rapid series of notes, usually with chattering quality but sometimes more whistled; often changes at end.

Recordings copyright 2011-2012 Macaulay Library, all rights reserved. All photos (except as noted) copyright 2011-2012 Brian E. Small, all rights reserved. Song texts copyright 2011-2012 Larkwire, LLC., all rights reserved.