Library / Beginner Groups West / Clear-toned Songs
This is a beginner-level comparison group of clear-toned bird songs and sounds from Land Birds of North America, Western region.
Try the demo to listen to many more recordings and to play the games that will help you learn these songs.

Extended song in caroling rhythm. Cheer-up, cheerily, cheer-up, cheerily, cheer-up, cheer-up, cheerily.

High and clear with rising and falling rhythm: witch-a-tee witch-a-tee witch-a-tee.

Sweet, clear whistles, typically with quick "stutter" phrase before final rising or descending note. Much variation, but two common patterns: sweet sweet sweet little-more sweet and sweet sweet sweet me-me-me-too.
Recordings copyright 2011-2012 Macaulay Library, all rights reserved. All photos (except as noted) copyright 2011-2012 Brian E. Small, all rights reserved. American Robin: Licensed under Creative Commons by Dori ( Song texts copyright 2011-2012 Larkwire, LLC., all rights reserved.